Patrick Goggin
Patrick Goggin is a 26 year practicing, solo attorney based in San Francisco and serves as chief counsel for the California Hemp Council (CHC). He has waged battle on the legal frontlines of industrial hemp and general cannabis reform for over two decades. Mr. Goggin served as co-counsel in the seminal HIA v. DEA 2000s cases that solidified hemp food’s legality. Later, Mr. Goggin led the industry effort with Senator Mark Leno in 2013 to finally pass California’s Industrial Hemp Farming Act after three vetoes. After four years of lobbying and drafting, his efforts with the CHC assisted in October's passage of AB 45 mandating California’s regulation of hemp manufacturing and CBD products. Presently, Mr. Goggin’s practice is focused on helping businesses and individuals to navigate the hemp and cannabis regulatory space locally, nationally, and globally.